Saturday, January 21, 2017

Kirkus Reviews!!!

It's here! It's actually here! And it's wonderful!!

I have been waiting for months for Ascension's review from Kirkus to be published. I was informed that it been read and reviewed near the beginning of December, but we made the executive decision to wait to have it published until January. So I had to sit there, knowing that it was reviewed, that it could be horrible, that they hated it, that they ripped it apart for a month and a half! A wait like that can make a person go mad. Which it almost did.

BUT IT'S HERE AND IT'S WONDERFUL! "...visit to New Orleans. Rials' tale is an exciting and fast-paced YA paranormal romance with an intriguing plot, well-drawn setting, and solid character development." WOAH BABY! Such a huge compliment from the biggest, most well-known, oldest book reviewer in the country that every library and bookstore looks at. This feels like we're hitting the big times, folks, and I couldn't be more star struck or humbled or honored. Check out the full review here

People are actually liking my words, my story that I bled over for eight years of my life, and I just can't believe it. Thank you all so much for all your wonderful support!

Those of you who have burned through Ascension will be happy to know that the second installment is with my fantastic editor right now, and she's so excited about this new manuscript. I am anxiously awaiting my edits and revisions to be completed so that we can get the next book out to you as soon as possible.

On a side note, I am so very impressed by the show of support during the Women's Marches that have happened all over the country--actually all over the world today. Feminism is for everyone. Feminism is about equality. God made us all equal, it says so in the bible. No one is less than. And today has been so inspiring. Thanks to everyone who stands up for what they believe in, no matter your vote.

But again...KIRKUS!!!!!

Until something else cool happens,

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